Thursday, December 8, 2011

Time for A Medical Follow-up on Crimson and Chloe!

On November 16, 2011, In-Sync Exotics' Cat Tales reported Crimson's battle with a devastating kidney disease known as renal failure.  At the time, we didn't know for sure if she an acute or chronic condition.  Blood work tests led us to believe that Crimson suffered from chronic renal failure--a progressive, irreversible deterioration of kidney function--as her creatinine and BUN levels were significantly elevated.  However, there was a chance she had treatable acute renal failure, resulting from perhaps a bacterial infection.  

Since her original visit with the vet on November 10th, we've been drawing and submitting her blood for testing to see if her creatinine and BUN levels improved or worsened. 

On Wednesday, we received news from the vet.  Her last blood draw revealed...

...her creatinine and BUN levels were elevated--but just slightly!  Based on the improved creatinine and BUN levels,  her vet now believes Crimson may have had acute renal failure, possibly from a kidney infection!  It appears the medication Crimson took destroyed her bacterial infection and she is now medicine-free.

Needless to say, we are thrilled with the good news.  Crimson is now eating with gusto, enjoying everything placed in front of her. 

Thankfully, our cougar is happy and playful once again!

Now for Chloe's medical update:

One week ago, Cat Tales reported on Chloe's trip to vet for an ear hematoma.  While she was there, her vet did a full body check, at Vicky's insistence, because of the slight "pooch" extending around the mid-section of her body.  The vet did not feel any lumps or abdominal distension, deciding that the "poochy" look was due to "air belly."

On Sunday, Vicky noticed the "poochy" look appeared to be slightly larger, so a vet appointment was scheduled for yesterday.  Once again, Chloe was placed in an animal transporter and taken to the vet where she was sedated.  Seven x-rays were taken of Chloe's mid-section in the hopes of discovering why her tummy area appeared "poochy."  Her heart, liver, and kidneys were thoroughly examined.  Finally, the vet rendered his medical diagnosis and you will NOT believe what he discovered!

Turns out Chloe has gas! 

Chloe is at home and resting comfortably after her trip to the vet.  Again, we are very thankful Chloe is A-okay and that the gas will eventually work its way out of her body.  We will be monitoring Chloe's gassy condition to ensure the offending air eventually leaves her body!

It is very important to closely monitor the health condition of each and every animal at In-Sync Exotics.  Since cats of all sizes tend to hide their illnesses from others, any changes in behavior or diet must be taken seriously--often this means a trip to the vet's office.   By taking a proactive medical approach with our cats' health care, we are able to reduce or alleviate any pain or suffering the cats may try to hide from us and we are able to address the causes of their health issues. 

Thankfully, we were able to address Crimson's acute renal failure before it became irreversible and needless to say, we are relieved that Chloe only suffers from gas! 


  1. Thank the Lord. I was holding my breath while scrolling past the pictures for the diagnosis lol. Glad they're ok!! :)

  2. So thankful for their good reports!

  3. Great News! Thanks for the update.

  4. Yes!! Crimmy is all better. So glad to hear she is doing much better and to find that Chloe's is just a gassy tummy.
