This morning, Howard (former Poetry cougar) and Vicky traveled to Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine for exploratory surgery to examine Howard’s intestines more thoroughly and determine the cause of his fluid retention.
The A&M veterinarians were able to determine what was wrong with Howard and the news was grim.
Howard was found to have three tumors, which the veterinarians believes may be cancerous, in his liver and his abdomen. One of the tumors lies against a major blood artery and is cutting off some of his blood flow, making the tumor impossible to remove. There is also concern that the tumors are likely affecting his adrenal gland, causing him to retain fluid. The veterinarians drained three liters of fluid from his extended abdomen today.
Tragically, after all Howard has been through, there really isn’t anything that the veterinarians can do for him. We, however, can provide Howard with lots of tender loving care and keep him comfortable for as long as he is with us.
At this time, Howard is alert and on his way home to be with his loving family.
We love you Howard, and we're going to do everything we can to make sure that you know that, for whatever time we have left with you.